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User End Pass

199 USD
  • Access to 2 days of the Event
  • Access to all the keynotes/ Panel Discussions/ Fireside chats
  • Access to all the Exhibition Booths
  • Access to soft copy of all the presentations
  • Coffee Networking Breaks on both days
  • Buffet Lunch on Both Days
  • Access to Networking dinner at the end of day 1

Solutions provider pass

399 USD
  • Access to 2 days of the Event
  • Access to all the keynotes/ Panel Discussions/ Fireside chats
  • Access to all the Exhibition Booths
  • Access to soft copy of all the presentations
  • Access to Networking dinner at the end of day 1
  • Coffee Networking Breaks on both days
  • Buffet Lunch on Both Days

To get a delegate group pass or need a student pass please drop an email to us at riddhi@altrusiaglobal.com

For any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at chiranjeevi.kudumula@altrusiaglobal.com